If you can't say anything nice come sit here by me.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
does whatever a spider can
Last night I went to call my dog in and almost walked into a giant spiderweb right outside the door. An enormous spider sat smack in the middle of it sucking the juices out of some hapless bug.
None of these pics turned out very good. The spider just shows up as a flash. I assume this is because he's radioactive.
giant spider sits waiting to jump on my face suck the eyeballs out
I think you're the monster. Look at the fragile beauty and mystery of it's web! And you come along trying to tear it down with your big head and eyeballs and stuff...
It's good that it's eating all the bugs before they get in your house - but obviously once it has become enormous from eating all the bugs and really stoked up it's radioactivity it will come in and suck your brains out while you're watching Twilight.
Don't like the arachnids, ugh.
The web is remarkable.
We get some spiders, but the real problem is the slugs. Blech.
I am frightened by the single evil orange eye in the top pix! Satan? Someone from the RNC? Amway representative?
You should catch the spider and throw it on someone.
That spider is harmless. Smush it with your fingers and flush him down the toilet! Then wash your hands and make a grilled cheese sandwich.
I think you're the monster. Look at the fragile beauty and mystery of it's web! And you come along trying to tear it down with your big head and eyeballs and stuff...
It's good that it's eating all the bugs before they get in your house - but obviously once it has become enormous from eating all the bugs and really stoked up it's radioactivity it will come in and suck your brains out while you're watching Twilight.
mmm, hapless bug juices.
I could go happily through life without ever laying my eyes upon another spider.
Oh yes I could.
But the web is certainly facinating
Nice arachnophobic haiku!
That web is gorgeous.
I was just going to post about a spider. How weird.
eat it!
Yes, yes, lovely web, all God's creatures, etc, etc ...
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