Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not This Story Again....

I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of hearing about and from Miss California, Carrie "the bible says gays are evil" Prejean.

"Oh noes! I didn't win a beauty pageant because the way I answered a question revealed my vapid ignorance and intolerant attitude. Therefore, my right to free speech was obviously violated. Waaa waaa."

Does anyone else find it ironic that she is whining (wrongly) about her First Amendment rights being denied because she said she is in favor of denying gays their right to marry?

And now she's on every news show and will probably end up getting a book deal out of the whole thing. Goddamn, I HATE the way this country rewards mediocrity.

Fuck you, Carrie Prejean! Perez Hilton was right, you ARE a stupid bitch, and I hate you for making me agree with Perez Hilton because he sucks too!

It figures that Sarah Palin would stick up for her. Sarah is another brainless former beauty pageant contestant with zero understanding of tolerance, respect and equality, who cries about being a victim of the mean old liberal media.

ATTENTION LIBERAL MEDIA: This bitch's 15 minutes of fame need to be over! Sarah Palin's have been over for ages. Can we please kick these two redneck, trailer trash idiots back to the obscurity they both so richly deserve? That's not too much to ask for, is it?

What and/or who are you sick of hearing about lately?


will said...

Palin and Miss Cal Beauty Pageant are just recent examples of stupid and vile that happens to be attractive. 1970s Anita Bryant went all out with her gay bashing.

Ann Coulter and all the other neocon hate mongers should be allowed a trip on NASA's next shuttle. Zero gravity, the silent vacuum of space and no space suit would be perfect for them.

LẌ said...

This preys upon my very soul every day: the economic news. Somebody, please, fix the value of my retirement fund and US dollar. I don't have much time to fuck around and wait on this!

PS: I see Palin and Prejean teamed together like super heroes!

Eric said...

Kind of sick about all the talk about waterboarding. And whether people knew who was doing it when and to what extent. I'm sure it's not pleasant if it happens to you, but it seems so small next to the big backdrop of the failing banking system and looming hyperinflation that will destroy the way of life in the US as we know it.

I still have flashbacks about too much coverage of Anna Nicole, Paris Hilton, and OJ Simpson...

Kristine said...


My local paper has like a "continuing coverage" section devoted to "BREAKING NEWS!" on the dead topic.


Also, I'm pretty sick of CNN in general.

PhilB said...

As a baseball fan...I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about A-rod!!!!!!!!!!

I also agree about the prejean and palin shit. Notice I did not capitalize their names...haha.

Bottom line, I hate the media...period. But I love bloggers!!!

Gunner Sykes said...

There is no inherent right for gays to marry, except to people of the opposite sex.

Stop whining. Stop lying.

If you want gay marriage to be legal, contact your state representatives and tell them.

Harassing conservative women sure as hell won't get it done.

Gunner Sykes said...
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Gunner Sykes said...
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Gunner Sykes said...
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Prunella Jones said...

Gunnar Sykes - thanks for giving your opinion. Everyone is entitled to one. You read mine in this post. "Conservative women" spout theirs regularly. I will happily call them on their bullshit every time.

Unlike Miss Prejean, I understand how the First Amendment works.

Oh, and I do believe gay marriage should be legal and have contacted my state representatives, thanks.

WendyB said...

Prejean should change her name to Gunnar Sykes. Just a feeling I have.

will said...

"no inherent right for gays to marry" ??? What a load of cow manure and bad mushrooms.

Where do these ideas come from? Oh, I know, the dumb, stupid, ignorant and bigoted. Yes yes, god told them so, I know. What a sad joke.

Prunella Jones said...
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Prunella Jones said...

Well Bill, as you and I and everyone with the ability to think knows, the religious right have never been either. It's so funny to me that the people who claim to love Jesus the most are the very ones who ignore his message of love and acceptance for all.

words...words...words... said...

I can't stand it when people assume that their freedom of speech includes an obligation on the part of others to listen or agree.

Prunella Jones said...

Exactly. No one censored Carrie Prejean. She was allowed to say exactly what she thought. And really, while I don't agree with her, I wouldn't have had a problem with it if she had just accepted her defeat gracefully. But instead she used it as a springboard to get on every talk show and spout her conservative agenda (while also whining about how she was a victim, etc..)This is why I am sick of the whole issue and her.

Cora said...

Words has a very good point there. Her right to free speech was not violated, she just wants everyone to nod in agreement with her - and I'm never going to do that. NEVER.

I see no reason why anyone should want to deny homosexuals the right to marry. How on earth does a gay marriage threaten or harm anyone?! It doesn't. How dare heterosexuals deny non-heterosexuals the same rights?! It make me sad. It makes me angry. And then to have an idiot like Miss CA paraded around the media spewing bigotry in all our faces, grrrr, it just makes me sick!

Girl Interrupted said...

Interesting that Gunner Sykes limits access to their blog ...

Keep calling people on their BS ... someone has to do it, and you do it well.

Happy Monday, Pru :)

~E said...

Fuck you, Carrie Prejean! Perez Hilton was right, you ARE a stupid bitch, and I hate you for making me agree with Perez Hilton because he sucks too!

DAMN SKIPPY! p.s. that was me agreeing with you wholeheartedly!

Diane said...

I love it when people think the First Amendment protects them from being criticized for their fucktard statements.

Princess of the Universe said...

A few days behind- but Pru I love you, and would possibly like to gay marry you.
Gunnar Sykes can be the flower girl.

Ya know what I got sick of hearing about? Tinkerbell- the dog that blew away and was found by the psychic. It wasn't THAT interesting.


Tricia said...
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Tricia said...

ok, i'll try this again - if there is such a thing as inherent rights to marry, than you can't discriminate. Carrie must know that is unconstitutional, given her amendment knowledge.