I will send you a basket full of Japanese Chin puppies to cheer you up. If watching them their paws and clean their faces like a kitty doesn't cheer you up you have no soul. In which case I will send some Paris Hilton videos to cheer you up instead.
Oh dear Prunella...you poor baby. My advice, controversial, but stick fingers down throat until the worst of the nausea comes up and out. Then have a plate of greasy chips and a fried egg. Works a charm!!
Onehung- how many times have I uttered these words?
Mister U- I'd happily take a basket of chins. They look like Gizmo from the movie Gremlins. I would never feed them after midnight.
Milf- I think that is sound advice. I usually don't suffer with hangovers too much because I tend to barf early on. I must be getting older, it seems I am able to hold my liquor better. Damnit!
Bumble- I like Hank 3 better than Bocephus.
Betty- thanks, luv.
BB- Tom and I used to snort our vitamins together. He stopped talking to me when he realized I was really snorting Ritalin. (sigh)
Mspuddin- I usually do the latter.
Diane- an egg and cheese burrito and strong black coffee from a drive thru? Hell yeah! That sounds pretty good right now even tho I'm no longer hung over. Where the heck are my keys?
After a few years of nonstop drinking, you won't even get hangovers any more. Sure, you'll feel awful if you go more than ten minutes without a drink, you won't remember much, and eventually your organs will fail/die, but it's a small price to pay for immunity to hangovers. Man, I wish I could still drink.
whoa nelly. hold up. i just realized the date of your post. drinking during a holiday weekend doesn't really count as drinking. it's called imbibing, which rhymes with jibing, which starts with "j' as in jesus juice. amen.
Pru, I had an alcohol adventure too.
A good breakfast, 800 mg of ibuprofen and a nap will do you wonders.
p.s. Check out Chaser Plus to take during your next party. ;)
Yeah, you're never drinking again until the next time.
I will send you a basket full of Japanese Chin puppies to cheer you up. If watching them their paws and clean their faces like a kitty doesn't cheer you up you have no soul. In which case I will send some Paris Hilton videos to cheer you up instead.
Oh dear Prunella...you poor baby. My advice, controversial, but stick fingers down throat until the worst of the nausea comes up and out. Then have a plate of greasy chips and a fried egg. Works a charm!!
Obviously, someone isn't a Hank Jr. Fan... (Hangovers hurt more than they used to...)
hahahha, I'm sorry but I had to laugh at this.
Hope you feel better soon chickie!
If you would've taken vitamins like Tom Cruise, you wouldn't have this problem.
Gatorade and tylonel, or I avoid hangovers by continuing to drink...
I agree with la so long as by "good breakfast" she means something greasy . . .
Brenda- yours sounded more enjoyable.
LA- no more parties! Argh!
Onehung- how many times have I uttered these words?
Mister U- I'd happily take a basket of chins. They look like Gizmo from the movie Gremlins. I would never feed them after midnight.
Milf- I think that is sound advice. I usually don't suffer with hangovers too much because I tend to barf early on. I must be getting older, it seems I am able to hold my liquor better. Damnit!
Bumble- I like Hank 3 better than Bocephus.
Betty- thanks, luv.
BB- Tom and I used to snort our vitamins together. He stopped talking to me when he realized I was really snorting Ritalin. (sigh)
Mspuddin- I usually do the latter.
Diane- an egg and cheese burrito and strong black coffee from a drive thru? Hell yeah! That sounds pretty good right now even tho I'm no longer hung over. Where the heck are my keys?
I love egg and cheese burritos. I used to go to naugles before going surfing every morning.
I don't know what Xenu is, but you need to start drinking with me. Clearly you're just drinking the wrong stuff with the wrong people.
Let the Christmas party season begin!
Sex also helps. (And by sex, I mean being on the receiving end.)
After a few years of nonstop drinking, you won't even get hangovers any more. Sure, you'll feel awful if you go more than ten minutes without a drink, you won't remember much, and eventually your organs will fail/die, but it's a small price to pay for immunity to hangovers. Man, I wish I could still drink.
Ah, the cocktail flu. It's not your fault, clearly, you were overserved.
I miss Naugles!
I say this at least once a week...One day I'll mean it.
Until next time.
AS no one else would care enough to tell you, your ass looks fat in that outfit. :)
whoa nelly. hold up. i just realized the date of your post. drinking during a holiday weekend doesn't really count as drinking. it's called imbibing, which rhymes with jibing, which starts with "j' as in jesus juice. amen.
Mister U- I'm a Baker's kind of girl.
Memphis Steve- the great and terrible Xenu has commanded me to become a teetotaleer. Gotta do it it or he'll smite me.
Mish- cheers, eh!
GF- are you propositioning me?
Morbid- yeah, I don't like hangovers and drinking is so unhealthy. This is why I have decided to switch to meth. It gives me energy!
Catherinette- think I can sue for that?
Diane- Baker's FTW. Do they have them at the beaches? They are a Riverside County staple. Might be too trashy for the OC.
Samantha K- me too.
Uber- damn, I was wearing Spanx too.
PK- there is nothing quite like a bottle of wine and a bag of Doritos for celebrating family togetherness.
I am mailing you a vodka martini. That is the answer you have been seeking.....
Damn girl, even I've recovered from my hangover by now. You must have gotten RIPPED
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